
Graphic fact file on dengue fever.
Graphic fact file on dengue fever.

  • Dengue cases rise to 1,729 in Punjab

    The number of patients suffering from Dengue is increasing rapidly here, Geo News reported. According to the health department, 1,729 Dengue cases have been reported across Punjab with 1,555 cases being reported in Lahore alone. Doctors said patients...

  • The dengue test

  • When poorer people are more susceptible to getting the fever because of the unenviable lifestyle they lead, they are turned away because they cannot afford the initial blood test...When the country is suffering from a pandemic, one wonders at the...

  • WHO confirms 2,726 Dengue cases in Pakistan

  • According to the latest World Health Organization (WHO) statistics, there are 2,726 confirmed Dengue virus cases in Pakistan, a report said on Saturday. The number of Dengue cases in Islamabad is 30, Punjab 2,463, Sindh 191, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 8 and..

  • .Shahbaz emphasizes collective efforts against dengue virus

    Punjab Chief Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif has made an appeal to civil society, doctors, teachers, students, politicians, workers and all segments of the society to join the ongoing campaign against dengue virus as collective efforts are needed to...

    LAHORE: Punjab Chief Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif has made an appeal to civil society, doctors, teachers, students, politicians, workers and all segments of the society to join the ongoing campaign against dengue virus as collective efforts are needed to counter this menace.
    He was addressing a seminar on dengue virus at Al-Hamra Hall on Friday. The Chief Minister said that an effective awareness campaign has been launched regarding preventive measures against dengue virus and the seminar will prove to be a milestone in this regard, says a press release.
    He said that all available resources are being utilized against dengue virus and medical facilities have also been improved in hospitals. He said that every human life is precious to him and it is his firm assurance to the people that no effort will be spared to save them from dengue fever. He said that efforts are being made round the clock for curbing dengue virus and he will not rest content until the disease is controlled.
    Shahbaz Sharif said that the participants of the seminar should spread the information gained from the seminar to every nook and corner of Lahore and Punjab. He said that arrangements have been improved in hospitals for the benefit of dengue patients and additional staff has been posted. He said that spray is also being conducted in all towns in a coordinated manner. He said that emergency committees have also started functioning and he is personally holding meetings in this regard on daily basis.
    The CM made an appeal to the people of all walks of life to join the movement with commitment and spirit of sacrifice. He said that doctors should not spare any effort in the treatment of patients.
    He said that all provincial departments, Members National and Provincial Assemblies and Muslim League workers will have to come forward with the spirit of public service and stand shoulder to shoulder with him in this hour of trial. He said that non-governmental organizations should also step forward and supplement the efforts to serve the ailing humanity.
    Moreover, he said that private hospitals should minimize their rate of profit in the treatment of dengue patients. He said that every member of the society would have to play its role for the elimination of dengue virus. He said that a comprehensive programme would have to be evolved for preventing the outbreak of dengue virus in future.
    He said that he is committed to public service and will continue to serve the people undeterred by threats. He said that President Pakistan Muslim League-N Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif has ordered that no effort should be spared for saving every one from dengue virus..

    USA Using Dengue Virus as Biological Weapon Against Pakistan

    Mosquitoes, Mosquitoes , not many people become afraid after hearing the name of Mosquito but when they heard the name of Dengue Mosquito they are panicked. Dengue Mosquitoes is same normal Mosquitoes but with the Dengue Virus. Dengue Virus Outbreak in Pakistan had taken hundreds of lives and infecting thousands of peoples. The Reason behind the outbreak of Dengue Virus is simple, Dengue Virus Mosquitoes invade Pakistan, USA is behind all the used of biological weapon of Dengue in Pakistan.

    To combat Dengue Virus Mosquitoes, A Genetically Modified / GM Mosquitoes / known as OX513A were developed by British biotechnology company named Oxitec and with help of The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Health Organization, The PEW Charitable Trusts, and government agencies in the United States, England, Malaysia, and others were all involved in the development and promotion of the GM mosquitoes.

    OX513A Mosquitoes are developed for combating Dengue Virus Mosquitoes but the fact is that millions of male mosquitoes that were released into the open-air environment in 2009, and again in 2010, were all of the dengue virus fever carrying type, GM Mosquitoes are an Openly Operation to spread the Dengue virus in name of combating Dengue virus.

    The First tests on Dengue fever as a bio-weapon conducted in 1942 at research facilities at Fort Detrick. It is generally known that in the 1950s the CIA partnered with Ft. Detrick to study Dengue fever and other exotic diseases for use as biological weapons. The Cuban government blamed the U.S. for a 1981 outbreak of dengue fever that sickened more than 300,000. In 1982 the CIA was accused by the Soviet media of sending operatives into Pakistan and Afghanistan for the purposes of creating a Dengue epidemic. Again recently Russia had said at outbreak of Dengue Virus in Pakistan, USA is using Dengue Virus as Biological weapon against Pakistan.

    USA had deep history of using Dengue as a Biological Weapon and the fact is that USA builds it not for playing with it but to use it as a Biological Weapon.

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    dengue fever infects over 12000 in pakistan

    In this photograph taken on September 28, 2011 a Pakistani health worker fumigates against dengue carrying mosquitos in Lahore. PHOTO: AFP
    LAHORE: Already cursed by floods and suicide bombings, Pakistan now faces a new menace from an unprecedented outbreak of the deadly tropical disease dengue fever.
    In less than a month, 126 people have died and more than 12,000 have been diagnosed with the virus, which has spread rapidly among both rich and poor in Pakistan’s cultural capital Lahore.
    Dengue affects between 50 and 100 million people in the tropics and subtropics each year, resulting in fever, muscle and joint ache.
    But it can also be fatal, developing into haemorrhagic fever and shock syndrome, which is characterised by bleeding and a loss of blood pressure.
    Caused by four strains of virus spread by the mosquito Aedes aegypti, there is no vaccine — which is why prevention methods focus on mosquito control.
    Pakistani authorities in Lahore have blamed the crisis on prolonged monsoon rains and unusually high seasonal temperatures.
    But furious locals say the outbreak is yet another example of government inefficiency, citing a failure to take preventive measures to kill off the mosquitos and lengthy power cuts.
    Saad Azeem, 45, is a police officer who should be out spraying the streets with insecticide, but he is laid up at home suffering from the fever and mourning the death of his elderly father.
    “My father was 79 years old and a retired deputy superintendent of police. His death due to dengue fever really shocked us,” Azeem told AFP.
    “This dengue has become a calamity.”
    Of the more than 11,584 people afflicted, 10,244 come from Lahore alone, the provincial capital of Punjab, Pakistan’s most populous province and the country’s political heartland.
    In northwestern province Khyber Paktunkhwa, at least 130 people have been diagnosed and six have died. Southern province Sindh has seen 400 suspected cases and six deaths.
    Banners emblazoned with giant sketches of mosquitos and public warning messages such as “Eliminate dengue, Have peace” are hung across avenues and crossings in Lahore, a city of eight million.
    The chief minister of Punjab, Shahbaz Sharif, whose party runs the local governing coalition and whose brother Nawaz is Pakistan’s opposition leader, has urged doctors to do more to restore calm.
    “You are doing a wonderful job, but we have to bring down the mortality rate so that the people will be calmed,” he said at a workshop this week.
    Hospitals are overwhelmed, treating around 1,113 people and having already sent home another 10,000 to recuperate, said Asif Nadeem, a member of a hastily set up anti-dengue task force.
    At Lahore General Hospital, where most cases have been reported, the corridors were packed with patients and relatives making it difficult to breathe.
    Outside, medics set up large tents to accommodate family members and patients waiting for treatment, offering some shelter in the sweltering heat.
    “We have no complaints about the arrangements, but they are not going beyond giving out paracetamol,” Rashid Hameed, 27, an accountant, told AFP.
    Doctor Zafar Ikram said the hospital was working beyond capacity to deal with the influx of patients.
    “I think more people are coming because there is greater awareness about dengue due to the media spotlight and people are scared, so anyone with a normal fever comes to hospital for the (dengue) test,” Ikram told AFP.
    At the Mayo hospital, hundreds of people queued up in front of registration counters, giving blood samples and collecting reports.
    Although the Pakistan People’s Party, the main governing party in the federal government, has used the dengue outbreak to try and score points against the Sharifs, local authorities insist they are on top of the menace.
    Teams from the World Health Organisation and Sri Lanka are now helping with the efforts. Schools and colleges initially shut have since reopened.
    “On the control side a huge effort is going on with a public awareness campaign,” said Punjab provincial health secretary Jahanzeb Khan.
    In much of Lahore, known for its rich cultural heritage and popular restaurants, life carries on as normal with some establishments as crowded as ever in the cooler evenings.
    Others cannot afford to be ruffled.
    Mohammad Naeem, a 50-year-old roadside telephone vendor, said he had no alternative but to brave the risk.
    “No sir, we do not apply any lotion. It’s very expensive. We can hardly buy a loaf of bread. They come to our doorsteps to beg for votes, but they do not come to spray,” he complained